Transform your purchasing with
our purchase order system
Purchase stock items from across the globe and keep track of your whole purchasing process in one single location. Our purchase order system allows you to make fully informed purchasing decisions by utilising sales, purchasing, and stock level data, and updating them in real-time. The system also keeps track of your inventory levels so you have clarity on the best time to reorder stock items. Gain a crystal clear picture of your supplier fulfilment process, so you can work on finding any issues that need addressing before they cause irreparable damage.

Make smarter purchasing decisions
With up to the minute stock levels across all your sites and a range of standard reordering values against every product, assessing what products need to be purchased, at what point, and from which supplier is quicker and easier in the system. You can also take historic sales into account in order to forecast your future reordering requirements based on previous customer demand – place your purchase orders with confidence. The system will even take into account any discounts and reorder multiples agreed by your supplier.
“Khaos Control has helped us have a lot more visibility over our stock holding and sales operations. It is such a vast system that even six years later, we are still discovering ways to work with the software to streamline our business.”
Keeley Walters from Sophie Allport

Save time with purchase order automations
Removing the burden of physically sending purchase orders is key to unlocking efficiencies within your team. Our system automatically emails new and amended purchase orders directly to suppliers, removing the need to manually send purchase order emails and allowing your team to focus their efforts on sourcing new products and managing your supply chain.

Dropship purchase orders with ease
Our purchase order system fully supports drop shipping, enabling your business to optimise its inventory (and therefore costs) whilst ensuring you’re able to offer as wide a range as possible. Gone are the days of manually sending drop ship orders over to your suppliers. With its ability to communicate with your suppliers via email, our software can automatically generate and forward drop-ship purchase orders to your suppliers, simplifying the dropshipping process.